Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Diego County’s Operation Bigs is a one-to-one mentoring program for military children
Mentoring provides an extra layer of support to local military families, who are often presented with many challenges such as frequent relocation, school transitions, separation from extended family, increased responsibility coupled with a sense of loss when a parent deploys and the physical and psychological stress faced when a parent returns from war.
The program joins children with parents in the military to volunteer “Bigs” who are in
the military, retired or civilian.
Big Brother Jeff shared the following about his experience with his Little Brother, Matt. “I was told he was shy and mostly an indoor child, but it wasn’t long before we were chasing balloons in the field, throwing paper airplanes everywhere, or practicing casting a fishing pole which only a few weeks later landed him his first fish ever.
Matt has gained confidence and friends, as well as learned new skills that will hopefully take him down the road to happiness as an adult.”
Matt has gained confidence and friends, as well as learned new skills that will hopefully take him down the road to happiness as an adult.”
Little Brother Matt shared, “With Jeff I feel I always have someone I can talk to and be comfortable being myself. He teaches me new things like chess and even tells me about fishing. I caught one by myself and wasn’t even scared to hold it! Being matched with Jeff gives me a new form of confidence.”
In the Big Brothers Big Sisters Site-Based program, Bigs and Littles typically meet once a week to play sports & board games, or simply talk about life and personal issues – just as friends do.
For more information, please visit
or call (858) 746-9173