San Diego, Monday, September 11, 2023, 11:00am – The community of San Diego, CA will break ground to erect a Gold Star Families Memorial Monument honoring families who have sacrificed a Loved One for our freedom in the armed forces of the United States. In collaboration with the Woody Williams Foundation, a volunteer committee has come together to make this Monument a reality for the community.
The ceremony will take place at the Memorial Walk at Miramar National Cemetery at 5795 Nobel Drive, San Diego, CA 92122 (11:00am).
This monument will be the first Gold Star Families Memorial Monument in the area, despite having over 130 similar monuments across the United States. “We owe it to San Diego, home to so many active military, veteran and Gold Star families, to honor, recognize, and serve the families who have sacrificed so much in the name of freedom,” said Woody Williams Foundation founder and WWII Medal of Honor recipient, the late Woody Williams, who was deeply committed to ensuring the families of our nation’s heroes are not forgotten.
Bob Partridge, San Diego Steering Committee member, added, “I know that Woody would be very proud of our efforts to help him carry on his mission, particularly on such a symbolic date of American sacrifice.”
For more information, please contact Bob Partridge at [email protected] or visit the foundations website: https://www.woodywilliams.org/monuments/san-diego-ca.html